By Girlypink
United Kingdom
my 8 feet palm tree has over the last 3 weeks slowly drooped its leaves that have turned brown and I went out this evening to cut the leaves off and they just practically fell off and the palm tree has gone mouldy. I think it is dead. My question is: is it worth leaving it or should I just cut it down?
5 Apr, 2011
I would give them a mild feeding to encourage new growth, and leave them until midsummer. Do cut off the trunk if it starts to collapse, but it may still sprout from the base, making amulti-trunk specimen of great character.
6 Apr, 2011
I planted two Palms last year and it looks like the heavy December frost have done the same which is a shame, I don't think they will grow back but you never know. I plan to leave mine were they are hoping they might revive next season if not I will dig them up.
5 Apr, 2011