By Camelia1
United Kingdom
My new camelia has dried brittle leaves and is still in the pot from the garden centre. What would have caused this - it was so healthy when bought for me in February and has sentimental value - is it dying? Please help. Jane
6 Apr, 2011
I think it was frosted before it was bought. I would go back to the garden center and tell them. This happened to another member on here and he got his money back.
This is happening a lot this year the weather was so cold before christmas that lots of pots froze and some are only showing signs of the root damage now when they are trying to put on growth.
7 Apr, 2011
Thanks so much I will try returning it? Will let you know what happens.
7 Apr, 2011
Sounds more like drought to me.
8 Apr, 2011
me to bamboo x
9 Apr, 2011
it sounds like its outgrown the pot or the weather on the pot .scratch a little bit of the stem surface and see if is green . that means you have hope lol rthow i wouldnt hold your breath lol .
6 Apr, 2011