By Gillspec
United Kingdom
Are there any plants I can grow to detere Rabbits.
I lost all my bedding plants and most of my fruit and veg last year!! Trying to avoid this happening again.
Can anyone help!?
7 Apr, 2011
They don't like alliums, so a few ornamental ones may help.
8 Apr, 2011
Sorry, 2ndhand, they're not rabbit proof. I find rabbits will eat ornamental alliums - I've had Allium ostrowskianum and A. christophii eaten.
8 Apr, 2011
Thanks Beattie. Hadn't really thought about concentrating on plants that rabbits don't like!!
May try the fencing but I had some lettuce etc in a trough that stood approx 2ft high and they still helped themselves to that tooo. So I'm loving the idea of plants that aren't on their menu.
Herbs would be an added bonus in my cooking too.
8 Apr, 2011
Not all herbs are rabbit proof. I can't grow chives, and some thymes disappear. Others seem less fancied - the silver variegated one seems to be the best for growing for my purposes - or the least liked by bunnies.
8 Apr, 2011
Have just found this website so I thought I would share it with you.
14 Apr, 2011
I find that of the plants on the list that I've tried, the rabbits ate bellflowers (Campanula), Chionodoxa, day lilies, euphorbia, forget me nots and michaelmas daisies.
I would add a few plants to the list though -
muscari (grape hyacinth), nerine, schizostylis, japanese anemone, sweet williams (though they eat other Dianthus species).
14 Apr, 2011
Hi Beattie, I've been looking up these extra plants you mentioned.
I definately going to include a Schizostylis somewhere/somehow into my garden.
It looks gorgeous.
Thanks for the suggestion.
15 Apr, 2011
Previous question
No sorry, I don't think there's anything that repels them so they don't go near. There are things they don't eat - lavender, mint, periwinkle, fuchsias, daffodils, bluebells, foxgloves, for example. Even those get tasted by baby rabbits that spit out the bits they don't like.
The only answer if you want to grow bedding plants and veg is to fence the area you want to keep the rabbits out of. The wire fencing is sold in rolls about 4 feet wide and you need to bury as close to 8" as you can get in the ground, and patrol it to check for places where they start digging.
I'm told they don't eat potatoes, but that's the only food crop I'm aware of that they don't sink their fangs into.
7 Apr, 2011