By Hank
United Kingdom
I started gardening at 75 yrs old. I made a raised bed, filled it with decent soil but my veg ( spuds,radishes,
Carrots,etc all grow like trees but there's very little below
Ground. What am I doing wrong ?
7 Apr, 2011
Welcome to Goy Hank. The lanky top growth suggests too much nitrogen in the soil. Use the link below to find an article on growing veg on the website of the National Vegetable Society. It explains in easy to understand language what vegetables need in order to grow successfully. When I first started growing potatoes I was told to use peat and add some Growmore. Also ensure I kept the soil moist with plenty of water, giving the plants a good soaking maybe 2 x a week instead of a trickle every day. I hope this has not put you off trying again. Let us know how you get on.
7 Apr, 2011
Thanks again for the info, I'll get the sprouts right next time.
Actually I only grew them as I was given 6 plants. My son and I don't like sprouts at all, but if they'd grown we would have eaten them on principle - especially as my daughter has given me a recipe for a "sauce" to spread on them which makes edible. ( a mixture of garlic,mustard, capers and other things.)
14 Apr, 2011
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With your spuds you need to bank them up in the early stages by doing so the banking up means there is plenty of space for the tubers to grow. i dont grow raddish or carrot, did you sew seed direct into the rasied bed, or have you started them off in pots before hand, if so could they have been forced to quickly before planting out and this could be the reason for the leggy growth, are your raised beds in the open? are they shaded by overhanging trees hence them searching for the light.goodluck with your gardening. julien.
7 Apr, 2011