By Royp
United Kingdom
Moved to a new house in Devon which has a hedge down on side as per photo 1, can you identify it please.
Also it seems to be dying, leaves are going brown and dropping off, some have a lighter brown spot on the leaf, as per photo 2.
Thanks for any advice.

8 Apr, 2011
Thanks for the info, if I cut it back it would need cutting back to the ground at some points because in some areas the damage is extensive and very bare. Some of the branches are discoloured and look as if they are dead.
8 Apr, 2011
Ah, so your photo No. 1 must show the healthiest parts. It's a problem - many people have lost whole hedges of Griselinia this year and in some ways, that's easier - at least you know you've got to take it all out and start over.
8 Apr, 2011
I'm having trouble deciding what this is - I think its Griselinia littoralis, perhaps you could google for pictures to confirm. If it is, this shrub is only moderately hardy, so yours is looking quite good after a winter such as the last one. Any damage currently present is likely to be a result of the cold weather. Cut it back and give it a feed to aid its recovery.
8 Apr, 2011