By Kevo
United Kingdom
I have a Dickensonia Antarctica tree fern which has been planted in the ground for the last three years.It has always thrived and has prolific fronds annually.This year,however,after removing the fleece protection and last years bracken it seems to have a reddish/brown sludge in the crown.Is it safe to say it's dead?Would cutting the trunk lower to the ground remove the affected portion? I am devastated as over winter care has always been a priority.Any ideas would be most appreciated. Thanks Kevo.
11 Apr, 2011
If the crown is all mushy like you say then its a fair bet it has gone, have encounted this before and as you sugest cutting down to remove the infected area, did not work for me, even with all that protection it must have been frozen solid inside, due to them prolonged freezing temps in december.
11 Apr, 2011
Just to say many thanks to Bamboo & Julien for their replies to my tree fern dilemma. Ta very much Kevo.
13 Apr, 2011
I think its worth trying to keep it going by cutting off the top, rotted portion. The reddish brown sludge indicates slime flux, which has infected the plant after damage from the winter, so saw off the top back to healthy tissue. I've no idea whether it will grow again if you do this, but if you don't, it certainly won't grow.
11 Apr, 2011