By Louie89
United Kingdom
I have a large pot containing agapathas bulbs they have suffered badly during the winter and about 4 weeks ago I stripped off the wet rotton leaves hoping they would dry out. However they appear to be dead no green just brown mushy centres is there any hope?
12 Apr, 2011
Some Agapanthus are hardy, but some are not.
13 Apr, 2011
I have found that Agapanthus likes to be dug up, seperated and repotted every other year, they grow much healthier and flower abundantly.
13 Apr, 2011
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both my large pots are like this and dont they smell foul?
sorry but once mushy they are dead.
I've had mine over 15yrs too. still i will replace them and next winter bring them undercover.
There are some lovely ones around at the moment so I am cheering myself up with that thought.
13 Apr, 2011