By Tysonetta
United Kingdom
Good afternoon.
I am planting out an Acer in a pot. Do I need to use ericaceous soil or just ordinary potting compost - also if planting out so I need add to or alter the garden soil? We are in a limestone area (south Somerset).
Many thanks - Lesley
13 Apr, 2011
Yes you can use part ericaceous and part general compost but since its well established a good general compost will also be fine.
13 Apr, 2011
Hi Lesley and welcome to GoY. Your Acer will struggle with limestone soil, it can tolerate slightly alkaline soil but your's would be more than slightly... You have two choices grown in a large container in ericaceous compost or create an extremely large hole to plant into in the garden part filling with good, slightly acid compost/humus, then plant the Acer into and finish filling with the same mix. Plant in semi-shade and out of the wind which can strip the leaves of the tree in no time flat.
13 Apr, 2011
I have planted 2 acer palantum, I put them in lightly fertilised soil half ericaceuos, partial sun, they like moisture but not too wet. Hope this helps.
13 Apr, 2011