By 80smaniac
United Kingdom
when planting tulip bulbs, i always plant as the packet instuctions state for width and depth apart but have found that the last 2 spring "showings" have always looked wirey and straggly---i am to presume that we are best to ignore the packet and clump together for a better "show"?
14 Apr, 2011
I never plant bulbs at the distance recommended, I pack them in cheek by jowl in the ground and in pots. The ones in pots get repotted every year so can check if they need a bigger pot, in the ground I lift and divide when they start to look to clumpy.
14 Apr, 2011
We are going to experiment this year and let a couple of tulip bulbs/ flowers stay until the tops produce pods. The pod produces seeds and then you grow these into little bulbs and try planting these out for next season.
I will blog when I have done this to let you know what the success rate is.
8 May, 2011
It will take anything up to five years for you to have flowering size bulbs JohnR. The first year after sowing all you will see above the soil in the pot is what looks like grass.
8 May, 2011
I had always followed the planting instructions in the past.... But last fall, we planted tons of bulbs and I completely ignored the spacing suggestions. I planted tulips and daffs together. Usually 3 bulbs in the same hole (1tulip with 2 daffs). All of my older tulips planted alone get eaten by the rabbits, leaves and all. The daffodils have kept the rabbits away from the bulbs I planted last year and they are thriving. Don't seem to have any problem being grouped.
14 Apr, 2011