By Bodders
United Kingdom
hello everyone, I found this site by accident and I think it is fab already!! I just joined this morning. I have got my tyres ready for planting, someone said I should line them in order my veg does not absorb anything bad from the tyres. Any thoughts on this? I also noticed the courgettes growing in one tyre, I was making all of mine double height, can I get away with single making more planters? I plan to grow courgette, aubergine, green beans, herbs, tomatoes, peppers, rhubarb and a friend gave me some asperagus roots to try out. I have never been so adventurous in the garden before and any and all thoughs and advice are very welcome. Thanks in advance.
15 Apr, 2011
Hi Bodders and welcome to GoY, sounds like you are going to have lots of fun with your tires. Can I just check what you will have them standing on...
15 Apr, 2011
Hi there Bodders. I'm a new member to this site too. It's great and very useful. Good luck with the veg. I suffer from Rabbits so I don't have the luxury of growing my own.
15 Apr, 2011