By Anniesplace
United Kingdom
hi are cyclamen seeds easy to germinate as i was thinking of trying them next year. as anyone sewn them?
13 Oct, 2008
Ok. First of all Fresh seed germinates far better than dried seed so if you know someone who has a plant which produces seed then beg steal or borrow some/ June/July is the normal time for the seed to be ripe.
Best if you do wash the seed first in a little washing up liquid, but it is not really needed.
Sow the seed on the surface of the compost and do not cover, they need light to germinate and a temperature of around 16c.
Do not be in a big hurry to prick them out, sow thinly and wait until the cormlets are a reasonable size before moving them on.
Best way to sow is to collect the seeds, throw them on a patch of gravel and stand back!
13 Oct, 2008
I agree with Andrea, I have never had to sow seeds from hardy cyclamen; the seedlings just naturally pop up around the existing plants. I am just waiting for some of them to mature before moving.
15 Oct, 2008
Previous question
I`ve tried from some seed I gathered from a couple of hardy cyclamens I have in the garden. Nothing is happening yet, and sowed them about 3 weeks ago. I was told by someone to soak them first to remove a sticky coating that they have on them, but I didn`t do that. Not sure I will have any success, but will leave them a bit longer, however I have also been told that they will freely seed around the existing plants so really no need to gather and sow yourself, but I just wanted to give it a try.
13 Oct, 2008