jungle for a garden!?!
By Nicjayrob
United Kingdom
My garden looks like a jungle full of weeds. I have a daughter and i would like her to be able to play in it next summer, When is it the best time to tackle the mess and how should i go about it. help would be greatly appreciated. thanku in advance!!!
13 Oct, 2008
Hi Nicjayrob, Welcome to GOY. I am sure you will get loads of answers on this one.
You haven't said how big your garden is, give us a clue.
Start now by putting on paper a plan of what you want i.e patio or lawn to start with. Do you have a path from your door going straight up to the top?.
Clear out weeds and any plants with prickles or berries.
I would be careful using toxic chemicals as you want your daughter to be playing on the garden.
You will have to dig out weeds to get rid of them.
You don't say how old your daughter is, are you planning to have a play area, swing etc.
Good preparation will give you the best results.
Good Luck.
13 Oct, 2008
Now is a great time for clearing! I'm busy clearing out my own now in preparation for next year and what doesn't go on the compost heap goes in to a huge pile for the fifth of next month!!
13 Oct, 2008
if i was you i would have a garden digging party with a few friends and a couple of bottles of wine and dig the lot up after trimming of the long stuff level it and put weed supressing membrane over it while you think what to do with your gard
13 Oct, 2008
The best time to weed is when the ground is soft and damp and then they come up more easily so anytime now would be fine. Dig up everything you dont want and then use perennial plants that cover the ground quickly.. There will be weed seeds in the ground so you will need to do more in the spring and again you can dig them out and / or spray them with weedkiller making sure , obviously, you don't spray the plants you want.
There are other ways of keeping weeds down too and I am sure other members will have more advice for you.
13 Oct, 2008