conference pear
United Kingdom
hi i have just bought and planted a 1m high conference pear tree and could do with some advice on winter care.will i need to cover it from frost etc any help would be gratefully appreciated.
13 Oct, 2008
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I agree Arlene. My 2 metre one seems OK now and I don't bother. But unless yours is actually a mature tree grafted onto a dwarfing root stock Chopper then I wouldn't take the risk unless you are on the south west coast.
14 Oct, 2008
wouldn't mind picking anyones brains re leaf curl mite which is very unsightly-the leaves go black eventually-what can be done to cure?The fruit appears to be ok but would like to be able to sort it out.
i am thinking of a repot with some supergo compost.
14 Oct, 2008
Marguerite. Every fruit grower in the UK covers their trees in late summer, autumn to protect the fruit from wasps, birds etc. The same material is used to protect young trees from frost in winter. No extra cost.
14 Oct, 2008
We dont cover our pear trees, bit hard since one of them is about 60 feet tall. The others are a little smaller at 15 feet or so. AND believe me we are in a COLD spot. It is the roots which might sufer if frozen in a pot rather than the above ground bits, so wrap the pot rather than the tree.
14 Oct, 2008
Wow Owdboggy. I'm not surprised you don't cover that. Reckon that at that size it should be as hardy as Yggdrasil.
And I was happy not to cover my 2 metre one. I think it sounds like Chopper's is planted out though, not in a pot. LoL.
14 Oct, 2008
The very tall Pear tree is a Perry Pear and it must be at least 80 years old. the pears are hard and tasteless. they were planted around here for making the pear equivalent of cider, ie Perry. Never tried it ourselves, not drinking alcohol.
14 Oct, 2008
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Don't know where you are but if you are worried get some heavyweight fleece from ebay and cover-use string or parcel tape if windy-also a bark mulch might help?
My daughter has two outside her kitchen door in pots and has not had to do anything for the last two years.
We are in Swansea.
13 Oct, 2008