By Cam1dad
United Kingdom
what type of plants are best for eracasious soil and attracting wildlifeto garden
17 Apr, 2011
Great advice from MG. Bear in mind that bees prefer single rather than double flowers. Here is another link for you
Click on P in the A-Z below and then on plants for birds and plants for butterlies to see what members are growing in their gardens.
17 Apr, 2011
I think bees and butterflies prefer the paler colours too, purples, lilacs, pinks nothing to garish and bright.
18 Apr, 2011
They seem perfectly happy in our extremely bright red rhodo. flowers Donna.
18 Apr, 2011
The list is huge... rhododendron, azalea, camellia, acer, pieris, hamamelis, magnolia all lovely shrubs/trees. For plants copy and paste this link into your browser
over 200 of them.
17 Apr, 2011