What to do with my lilies?
As well as my Hosta's I need help with my lilies!
I have previously left them in their pots over winter but this year 2 of them had stunted growth and few flowers. Do they just need new pots and soil, and if so should I be doing this now? Or is there something else I should be doing?
Again, Thank You!
14 Oct, 2008
John, they are true lilies (lilium's). I don't know the varieties, my love of plants and flowers is greater than my knowledge!
14 Oct, 2008
In that case I would give them a shot in the arm preferably by re-potting and next spring I'm sure some light feeding with a standard fertilizer wouldn't hurt.
14 Oct, 2008
Thanks John. Will seek out some new pots.
14 Oct, 2008
Hi Potty. Can you tell us what you mean by lilies? Sorry to sound pedantic but the word lily is used for so many different plants. Do you mean the true lily (lilium) or the arum lily (usually zantedeschia) or one of the many plants with the last name 'lily' which we nearly all have. I am assuming that as you are a 'potty' gardener that you probably have the true lily or some type of arum. But you never know.
14 Oct, 2008