United Kingdom
I hope someone can help me. I recently dug a new bed in my garden with a row of sandstone block to create two flat beds on two levels. In the last two days a small swarm of about ten to fifteen small honey bees have begun to burrow under the rocks and I do not know what to do about them. Is it safe to leave them to nest? I have a cat and a dog that are both very interested.
20 Apr, 2011
If it's a full grown nest then a local bee keeper may be able to help.
20 Apr, 2011
I would leave them. Bees are getting scarce and need all the help they can get.
20 Apr, 2011
thanks. I think I will leave them for now and see how the pets get on with them. It's a real privelidge to have such a declining species visit me for the summer. regards.
21 Apr, 2011
I question whether they're honeybees at all - the vast majority of bees aren't, and in fact live in holes in the ground, or in walls. Areas with loose stone paving are just great for them - I once had to clear a huge, very old paved area, and the whole thing was peppered with orange tail bees living in holes all over the place, unfortunately. We turned it into a lawn to make it a usable area (it was a mother and baby refuge) and the bees did not return the following year.
21 Apr, 2011
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personally I'd leave them but the danger is that they might sting the pets. dont know how you get over that.
sorry cant be any more help.
20 Apr, 2011