United Kingdom
Our pond (about 3 cu metres) is a year old. Last spring we were given frog spawn and enjoyed following the development of the young frogs.
This year we were delighted to discover we had 2 separate clumps of 'home-grown' frog spawn, giving hundreds of tiny tadpoles.
Within a short period of time, all the tadpoles seemed to disappear. We have not found any 'floating dead', so can only assume that they have perhaps been eaten.
What might have caused this disaster?
21 Apr, 2011
they turn carnivourous after about 3 weeks and could easily munch their way through the vast majority of the tadpoles. from 100 taddies 'nature' only expects 5-10 to survive.
21 Apr, 2011
this is true to. without seeing them its hard to actualy know realy .in nature a parent only has to have 1 baby to stay alive long enough to breed out of the hundreds of thousands of eggs layed in a frog/toads lifetime . as a general rule of thumb the more babies youy have the less the parents will look after them . conger eals havesomething like 4-6 million eggs each breeding seasen wear horses,elephants and hippos etc have 1 as a rule .
22 Apr, 2011
they have either turned into little frog or toadlettes and left till there old enough to breed thow some well could of been eaten . id say they had left your pond for now .
21 Apr, 2011