By Superstar
I have a Camelia which is about 15 years old, at the moment all the leaves are hanging down and turning brown. The flower buds are dry and just fall of, my question is did the winter weather and freezeing conditions cause this, and if so what can I do?
21 Apr, 2011
Thank you Julien, I replied yesterday but I don't know if you received my message. I give my camelia the works today, pruned it etc, it is looking better already, regards Yvonne.
22 Apr, 2011
I have seen quite a few camellias like this, maybe down to frost but also you need to keep them well watered through the summer whilst the flower buds are forming, i would give it a damn good watering and feed with ericacious liquid feed every two/three weeks through the growing season, now dont worry if the browning leaves dont come back, you have to cut the dead shoots back by doing so new buds will form, did you know that camellias can be pruned quite hard if need be, i take on this task during may, which gives the new grwth plenty of time to ripen, harden off, through the season, julien.
21 Apr, 2011