By Mazziestar
United Kingdom
What do I do with pansies now all the flowers are going?Are they perennials? Do I cut them back and put them somewhere till next year? Or do I put em in the composter?
15 Oct, 2008
Are they pansies from last summer? You might well find babies near them, but as Isabella says, it's time to replace them with winter pansies. The Garden Centres are full of them at the moment. Compost last year's.
15 Oct, 2008
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« When and how do I prune my clianthus, white parrot's bill shrub.
I find pansies re-seed themselves easily - throw away or compost - in warmer climate we plant them for color through the winter into spring and get rid of them in the hot summer. (I live in Greece)
15 Oct, 2008