By Rozz12
United Kingdom
Hello Everyone!
I have a large wall (my neighbours house), that I am planning to cover with new climbing, perfumed (if poss), colourful climbers...I would appreciate some suggestions?..about three plants that compliment each other would do it.
Thanks everyone!...sorry I haven't been around lately!
p.s....I am having a free-standing trellis made to go in front of the wall!
22 Apr, 2011
Ah, there's the answer to my query, the trellis. I'd imagine, if it gets sun all morning, its east facing. Trachleospermum jasminoides is a good one, evergreen twiner with fragrant white flowers in summer. Akebia quinata, whilst deciduous is a good one to have too. Unless the trellis you're putting up is 15 feet wide or more, those two should just about do it. Passiflora's worth a look too, and you could think about clematis, but these need thin supports to climb up, so the addition of some clematis mesh over the trellis would be necessary.
22 Apr, 2011
Previous question
« Hi I've just inherited a 12' x 8' aluminium greenhouse and want to...
Need to know whether this wall is in sun or shade, faces north or south, that kind of thing. Must also warn you that it is not legal to grow anything up a neighbour's fence or garden wall, and most definitely not something up a neighbour's house. You will need to provide your own support for plants to grow up which is not attached in any way to the neighbour's property (ie. the wall)
22 Apr, 2011