By Bren1049
United Kingdom
Tempted to plant out now - I lived on the south east coast and the weather forecasts seem to be good. Do you think nicotiania, zinnias, rudbckias, cosmos etc will be ok to go out now?
24 Apr, 2011
24 Apr, 2011
thank you kildermorie, I'll give it a 50:50 risk plant some out and keep some in greenhouse just in case!
24 Apr, 2011
I planted mine out last week, I live in the south east
24 Apr, 2011
I planted some Busy Lizzies out last week, gladi corms went out weeks ago. I live in Cornwall, very close to the sea.
24 Apr, 2011
plant out but a late frost will be an expensive re run to the gc for replacemnets.
cosmos seeds have only just gone in the soil but I am in east Yorks.
24 Apr, 2011
Depends on how risk adverse you are. I have planted out my French Marigolds as I started them too early in Feb, so are flowering now. My Dahlia, Gladioli, Freesia etc have been outside for a month or more. I left my Cosmos in the greenhouse but potted them up. I would put out Rudbeckia but not Nicotiania. South Coast and last week of April - I would plant out what you feel like.
24 Apr, 2011