By P14trish
United Kingdom
i have a cordyline australis after the frost this year all the leaves turned brown i have removed all the leaves left with just the trunk part of the trunk felt soft i have cut this away is my tree dead
24 Apr, 2011
Thanks you Julien
24 Apr, 2011
thanks julien how long will it take before shoots come through thanks
25 Apr, 2011
Hello, lets assume it will shoot, in which case i would expect to see some budbreak and shoots through may/june, hope its ok for you, let us know how it turns out please, julien.
25 Apr, 2011
If you have cut the dead part of the trunk away to sound wood then, as a rule you should get lots of new shoots breaking out, sometimes at different points on the remaining trunk, more commonly though is to see quite a few coming from the base, once this has happened then choose which you want to keep and break away the rest so you can form a new trunk, maybe go for two /three and have a multi stemmed cordyline, julien.
24 Apr, 2011