By Adoons
I bought a huge pot (bigger than a 1/2 barrel) and would like to create a water feature, how do I escape mozzies breeding in it. I can not have fish in it as the otters get in and destroy all inside when fish is in the pot. Do I have to have a pump? for oxygen for the plants etc. etc. help.
I had a water feature 4 yrs. ago but between otters & raccoons gave up. They loved my gold fish. Tried netting, too ugly, so now what?
24 Apr, 2011
Thanks Beattie, I will do that, so the Veg. oil or soap will not harm the Lily that I plan to put in the pot? will do Thx.
24 Apr, 2011
You just need a tiny amount of either the oil or washing up liquid. We wouldn't notice it, but it's enough to disrupt the mozzie larvae.
24 Apr, 2011
Thanks kiddo, will do that today. Great advise:-))))
25 Apr, 2011
Beattie, my pot is planted with a lovely pink lily, and I did the oil trick, so will check daily. So far no otters.
6 May, 2011
I hope it looks lovely. So far as I'm aware otters aren't interested in licking up a tiny smear of oil. What a pity they don't eat mozzies.....
I hope you'll be reporting "no larvae". :-)
7 May, 2011
No Larvae, I am checking everyday. The otters I think might not be interested, as long as there are no "wildlife" in the pot, mistake to add fish. Holding thumbs, will let U know Beattie. Love your Avatar, ??? angel fishing rod?
7 May, 2011
No, Nerine bowdenii. Normally regarded as just about hardy, but I had them in a pot and in the ground when we had 2 unusually cold winters for here, and they're doing fine. We're equivalent to US zone 9 but with cool summers as we're very close to the sea. Gorgeous aren't they?
7 May, 2011
Oh yes, beautiful, mine I have in the ground and has multiply quite nicely, the are fab. So zone 9, well we flirt with zone 9 but get "burned" every so often. So now I am more careful.
7 May, 2011
LOL! I would have thought you were lower than that. Just goes to show that not all of Canada is as cold as I imagined.
7 May, 2011
No & the igloos are also disappearing Lol!!
8 May, 2011
Thank heavens for Wikipedia! I've just discovered that the climate of British Columbia is extremely varied, with several ecozones. So you could have been pleasantly warm in the wine growing valleys, hot in one of the interior valleys with a short winter, on the coast with a mild rainy climate (like we have) or absolutely anything it's possible to imagine! :-)
What it does emphasise is its unpredictability and the wide disparity between summer and winter, away from the coast.
I guess it keeps you on your toes!
8 May, 2011
Yes, when ever we do not know something we say "google it" & there it is. We lived most of our working years in the interior of BC, and some places we had 15 m. of snow. For this young woman from South Africa it was a shock, but married to a lovely Canadian who got me "outfitted" in Austria with all ski gear it did not take long to enjoy the life style in this lovely country. So I learned to ski & being a jock I learned power skiing & then heli skiing was it. A love affair that made us pray for Winter. So I used the climate not to get too "blue". We decided that we wanted the ocean & exchanged the skis for ocean kayaks. We call the West coast the Wet coast Lol!!!but the plants thrive. So from Dec-March we run away to Palm Springs in California to golf, cycle & hike. The prairies are very, very severe, could not live there & the East coast can also be wild, but they are hotter than we are in Summer. The wine country is where we used to live, toooooo busy & touristy, so we hide on our little island of 4000 pop.
Gorgeous day today, so I planted all my pots today with my annuals. Doing a garden show this year. Have to be on my toes.
9 May, 2011
Sounds like a wonderful life, Adoons! :-) Good luck with the garden show. I'm sure it will take heroic amounts of planning and preparation, but it sounds as if you're the person to manage that.
9 May, 2011
Scary, though as I have said no for 6-7 yrs. Will bite the bullet this year, but said no for the house tour. Hate to get 100's of people touring through house & garden, just too much. Our house is not big, but lovely & cozy & people are so curious.
TG we do not plan it, all done for us by "People 4 a healthy community". They ten get the monies to help those not so lucky as others.
See U around Beattie, nice chatting.
10 May, 2011
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The mozzie larvae breathe with a tube to the surface. If you add a drop of vegetable oil they can't get air as the oil forms a film on the surface that they can't get through.
The other way is to add a drop of eco-friendly washing up liquid. This stops them being able to hang from the surface of the water to breathe. Don't add too much or you'll have a bubble feature instead of a water feature.
24 Apr, 2011