By Km101km
..... and more if anyone can help! More to follow....

25 Apr, 2011
when were these photos taken?
i thought the 2nd one looked like choisya but they're not in flower at the moment.
25 Apr, 2011
I'm sure no 2 is Choisya - they're flowering here - I saw a mass of them at a garden I went to last week.
No 1 agree Euonymus
No 3 deffo Potentilla - mine's just coming out.
25 Apr, 2011
Thanks beattie - not seen any in NE Scotland flowering yet :) but then there's a fair climate difference between Cornwall and here......
25 Apr, 2011
Absolutely agree Donna! My Busy Lizzies are out - and still here after a week or so (out in the garden, not out in flower - yet!)
25 Apr, 2011
Euonymus, Choysia and Potentilla
25 Apr, 2011
Thanks for all your help! After much weeding and debris cleaaring, i found a plant label attached to the base of picture no 2 and it was........ choiysa! So you were all right!! Donnaj1dlh - tit has been flowering for about a month now. Can anyone advise how best to care for this? Some of it is in beautiful flower as in the picture but some of it looks almost dead with very yellow dry leaves. Any help would be great.
29 Apr, 2011
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No I - the yellow/green on the left is Euonymus (possiblly Euonymus fortunei) if you take a look is the dark green part on the same plant? If so cut out the dark green stems to keep it light.
No 2 try Pieris japonica or Skimmia?????
No 3 is Potentilla?
25 Apr, 2011