By Johnjoe
Can you please identify this shrub. I have it for about 6 years,what I remember from the i.d. card it was Japanese and should not be pruned.I would be much obliged.John

25 Apr, 2011
Gorgeous little azalea or rhodo as SBG says. Lovely! :-)
25 Apr, 2011
Thank you so much for naming it for me. I did want to put up the photo on my garden,now i have the name I can go ahead with it.
25 Apr, 2011
The close up of the flower shows that it is a very attractive rhodo. I think that you would do the plant a great favour by putting it in a more attractive pot though, Johnjoe.
25 Apr, 2011
Thanks Bulbaholic, you are right, I would hate to disturb it at this time of year. I really am surprised that it is a Rhododendron as they are one of my favourite plants.
26 Apr, 2011
There are some very nice small azalia type rhododendrons in Japan.
26 Apr, 2011
They are lovely shrub, I wonder what they mean when they say not to prune.
26 Apr, 2011
looks like an azelea or dwarf Rhododendron to me. but wait and see if you get any other suggestions.
25 Apr, 2011