By Phillis
United Kingdom
What time of year do we see dandelion clocks?
17 Oct, 2008
Just for you Marguerite - people in the UK call the seed heads of dandelions, dandelion clocks! Children used to try and blow the seeds away and count as they did it. They flower mainly April to June depending on where they are and the 'clocks' appear shortly after that.
17 Oct, 2008
They are all over our lawn! They have been appearing for several months. We really have to get busy digging the dandelions out. What a pain they are.
17 Oct, 2008
Previous question
Too much of it Phillis. The dandelion seeds just about any time but of course is most prolific from late spring to autumn. Gardeners, if they can't keep up with digging them out or using systemic weed killer on them, will often just pull the flower off as a temporary measure to stop it seeding.
17 Oct, 2008