Lamp-Post Man's bulbs.
By Terratoonie
Some weeks ago, my neighbour, "Lamp-Post Man" gave me an old bucket full of muddy bulbs. I planted these in two pots, and have since had the most marvellous display of purple autumn crocus. Now I'm not sure what to do with them after flowering.
Can they stay in the pots or should I take them out and dry them?
If they do remain in the pots should I keep the compost moist or can I let it dry out till the spring?
So many questions. Lamp-Post Man says the bulbs produce leaves in the spring, which then look ugly as they die off. Any more info. very welcome please. Thanks.
I realise others have asked questions about Colchium but I'm still not sure exactly when to water the pots and when they can be dry. If they stay in damp compost, will they rot?
On plant
17 Oct, 2008
Owdboggy ~ thanks.
I have some Gladiolus Callianthus - Acidanthera Murielae.
These were planted in a pot, and produced lots of leaves but no flowers. Should I also take those out of the pot and into well-drained soil in sun?
Thank you for your answers. I appreciate that it takes time to reply to questions. :o)
17 Oct, 2008
Curious minds want to know why he is called 'Lamp-post Man'.
17 Oct, 2008
Elleme ~
Thanks for being curious.:o)
This question actually originated on my blog called Beg, Steal or Borrow, where GoY members tell of unusual ways in which they have acquired a plant.
That may tell you more!
Please feel free to comment on there!
Anyone who wishes to add a story to my blog, about how they got a plant - maybe a gift, perhaps stolen [!] please do so. All GoY members very welcome!
17 Oct, 2008
Now the Gladiolus should be left to dry out comletely and kept frost free over winter to be re-started into grow in spring.
17 Oct, 2008
Owdboggy ~
Thanks. I'll sort out Colchium and Gladiolus as recommended this weekend. Your advice much appreciated.
17 Oct, 2008
My Acidanthera didn't flower either. I suppose I shall have to dig them up now, will I?
17 Oct, 2008
It depends on your soil and winter temps. If you have really well drained soil and you do not get deep pentrating frosts then you can leave them in the ground. BUT if your soil is the least bit soggy over winter then you stand a chance of them rotting. They are after all almost exactly the same as those Gladiolus which are sold everywhere.
To get them to re-flower you do need to give them a really good rich soil or to feed heavily. I would use something like Miraclegrow or Maxicrop on a regular basisi. You are trying to build up the corms to get them to flowering size . Trouble is once they have flowered they tend to split up into dozens of smaller ones which then have to get big before they flower.
18 Oct, 2008
Thank you for this extra information.
More chance now of a good display next year! :o)
18 Oct, 2008
Previous question
They must be allowed to grow on now. If you take them out of the popts the bulbs will dry up and die. Keep them moist, but not waterlogged over winter and allow the leaves to grow and die down naturally. You could give them a foliage type feed when the leaves are there too if you intend keeping them in pots.
The bulbs you were given will die and be rpleaced by new ones as part of the growing cycle. To be honest I think they do better in the soil than they do in pots. They like a well drained soil in sun, round the base of a tree is perfect for them.
17 Oct, 2008