Essex, United Kingdom
My dwarf peach is still not in leaf, should I worry? Hi everyone. I spent £26 on a dwarf peach tree which I have planted on a east facing fence in early spring. It bloomed really well and gets around 6 hours if daylight. One hour of morning sun (I will protect it from frost with a fleece) about two hours if dashes of sunlight then four full hours of afternoon sun from midday to four. My friend got a dwarf nectarine about the same time hers is in leaf but in a pot. Mine is taking it's time it has two small leafs really small and lots of shoots. As I said should I worry?
- 27 Apr, 2011
Water, water, water - suspect its not had anywhere near enough. Any tree or large plant will need regular supplies of water in dry spells during its first two years.
27 Apr, 2011
Thanks. I am thinking of potting it up against a south facing wall. Could this be possible? I don't want to kill it. Thanks for the feedback.
27 Apr, 2011
If you only planted it a few weeks ago, it should be fine to move it.
27 Apr, 2011
Thanks. It was about mid march. I'll go ahead, thanks.
27 Apr, 2011
Oh and by the way. I water really well every night.
27 Apr, 2011
I have a blog, written some time ago, regarding the art of watering, Boardergard. Watering every night isn't a good idea - best to give it a couple of gallons every 4 or 5 days, or weekly if the weather's cool. See the blog for why...
27 Apr, 2011
Thanks I will. I'm still a complete novice at it.
27 Apr, 2011
have you done a scratch test to ensure its alive and watered it well as we've not had enough rain-- but saying that two out of four walnuts havn't yet leaved up and the big ash trees are bare too--- 'funny weather probably!'
27 Apr, 2011