what can you recomment for south facing hot conditions
By Mariette
United Kingdom
any recommendations for pot plants in south facing/sunny hot conditions. any colours/shrubs/ flowers
27 Apr, 2011
i have a south facing garden and get the sun from when it comes up till when it goes down and when its hot its extremly hot. we have fuschias, lillies, penstemons, perenial sunflowers, honeysuckles, jasmine.i have many more but im not very good on names. we did have passionflower which thrived in the sun till my husband killed it (i'll have to sneak out and buy a new one lol).
i'm only a novice when it comes to gardening but have found that most of what i buy find a spot and just stick it in seems to work. i water them alot for the first few months especially when its very hot. good luck..
28 Apr, 2011
My list includes Gaura, Gaillardia, Russian Sage (Perovskia), Stonecrop, Houseleek, Hardy Iceplants (Delosperma species), Feverfew, and Snow-in-Summer.
3 May, 2011
Lavender, santolina, senecio, cistus corbariensis, convulvulus cneorum, Hebe 'youngii', Helianthemums, herbs generally (rosemary, thyme, sage, oregano, chives), lavatera, stachys, grasses (but not sedges or rushes) as a start. All will need watering during dry spells until they establish themselves though.
27 Apr, 2011