By Jan65
North East England,
United Kingdom
Please could someone identify the three plants shown below? The first one is about two foot high, the other two are low-growing, sort of rockery-type plants. No discernible aroma from any of them. Many thanks!

28 Apr, 2011
Thank you cammomile. I did wonder about campanula and phlox. The bottom one reminds me of a Brunnera that I've just bought, although the leaves of the Brunerra are much, much bigger than these. The leaves of the one in this photo are only about 1" across, or less and of course there's the pink flower.
28 Apr, 2011
I think no 1 is Campanula poscharskiana. Should have lilac-y blue starry flowers in a month or so.
no 2 is a creeping Phlox, probably P.subulata.
no 3 is Lamium maculatum. As it has a pink flower I'd make a guess at the variety being 'Beacon Silver'
28 Apr, 2011
Thank you Beattie. Having googled images of the plants you suggested, I'm not sure about the variety of campanula, although I do think it is some sort of campanula, but it does look as though you are spot on with the other two, so many thanks indeed! My dad will be pleased as these were mystery plants in the garden in his new house.
28 Apr, 2011
I've uploaded a pic of the campanula I think it is, taken last year. It's here -
I put it on flickr as pics on here are so tiny you can't see any details.
28 Apr, 2011
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The top one is a type of campanula, the mid one a trailing phlox but not sure about the bottom one.
28 Apr, 2011