By Markbrookes
United Kingdom
I have a mature laburnum which flowered profusely last year but this year only has 2 flowers. Is this normal or should I be concerned? Will it flower next year?
28 Apr, 2011
thanks. I have no idea how old it is as I only moved in 2 years ago. I'll try top dressing it as you suggest
10 May, 2011
fingers crossed
10 May, 2011
I think it may be having a rest and will flower next year, but when you say 'mature' how old is your tree they are short lived 25-30 years. They are sun worshippers and need full sun to flower well. Mine flowers profusely (I have just put a photo of it flowering on my photos this week) but about 4 years ago it hardly flowered and I was advised to top dress it with Ericaceous compost once a year which I do. Its now between 10-12 years old.
28 Apr, 2011