Sticky Oxalis
By Tmotto
United States
Re: Green oxalis
My plant looks quite healthy however the leaves are very sticky and it also has mites which I assume are from overwatering.
I do let the plant dry between waterings and do not water until the leaves are drooping. Nay suggestions?
28 Apr, 2011
The mites come in on their own, but they are usually encouraged more by underwatering than by overwatering. Sticky leaves are a sign of aphids, too. You may need to spray them thoroughly with insecticidal soap to get rid of most of both pests, and feed and water the plant correctly to help it to recover. I usually let the top 1/4 inch of soil dry between waterings, but I never let them wilt. In my experience, a low phosphate plant food is usually their favorite, and they respond very well to timed release foods.
30 Apr, 2011