By Paulr999
United Kingdom
Clematis - bugs on stalk.
I have just discovered what looks like small beige wood lice on the stalks of a clematis (pics didnt come out very well so cant post a pic)
They seem to dig into the stalk and camp there but dont appear very mobile. When squished they emit a milky substance. They appear to like the hard parts of the plant as they dont seem to be damaging any tender, new growth.
What are they ? and how do I get rid of them ?
Thanks in advance
29 Apr, 2011
The only sure cure for scale insects that I know of was banned a few years ago. Perhaps meths might be worth a try. Or even if you can manage to get the stems down without damaging them you could try drowning them in soapy water
29 Apr, 2011
Provado should work. I have also used a combination of carbaryl and surfactant to good effect, but that not on Clematis.
30 Apr, 2011
Thanks all,
Now I know what they are Ive been able to search tinternet for options - seems like its S&S for me - scrape em off as much as poss and spray em.
Thanks goodness I got the mix your own version of Provado - its the gardening equivalent of domestos...
30 Apr, 2011
They sound like scale insect, Paul. I don't have personal experience of these, so I hope someone more expert than me can advise.
29 Apr, 2011