Essex, United Kingdom
Leave the the shoots on or off? Hello. I have succesefully moved my dwarf peach to a south facing garage where it gets twelve hours of sunlight and is sheltered form bad weather and wind. The shoots that came up back in it's exposed position have flopped and twisted at only one inch long. I guess this is due to not enough sunlight and exposure to wind. There are lots of other strong shoots that should come into leaf with the extra warmth and sun of the trees new position. Should I remove the dying and curled shoots or leave them on and will they be replaced with new shoots? Thanks.
- 30 Apr, 2011
Is that a glitch in trying to type up an answer?
30 Apr, 2011
Could be water shortage that's caused the shoots to flop - if they're not infested, I'd leave them, keep the plant well watered and see what happens.
30 Apr, 2011
Thanks. I will keep it well watered and see if they perk up.
30 Apr, 2011
My apologies for mystery dot. A page jumped on my screen and so I ended up placing an answer next to the wrong question. I hope you're having a nice day.
30 Apr, 2011
Yeah I am and don't worry about the dot.
30 Apr, 2011
30 Apr, 2011