By Judylb
Channel Islands ,
Can Anyone identify these flowers ?? Hi everyone, its been a little while since I was on here but I'm trying to identify a few things and wondered if anyone could help ??
1/ This is a small bright orange flower approx 8 inches tall with spike iris type leaves, very striking and pretty.
2/ This is a bush with small, long leaves and creamy white flowers with a central yello part.
3/ Does anyone know what these flies are that are on mass in our garden in their 1,000's ?? they seem to appear only in the morning if its warm and sunny. Poor flight ability able to hold flight and sort of hover and hold wings out at rest. Are they damaging plants or laying eggs in our garden ??

1 May, 2011
Thank you very much Beattie, very kind of you. I'll leave the post up so that I may get other confirmations. Lots of things are in our gardens that we didn't plant and I haven't a clue what they are. Thanks again.
1 May, 2011
Hi,Second one is definatly Choisya, the third Looks like the, long horn day flying Moth, julien.
1 May, 2011
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No. 1 is Sparaxis (harlequin flower)
No. 2 looks like Choysia ternata, though the leaves seem a little narrow.
Sorry I can't help with the other one.
1 May, 2011