By Heather12
United Kingdom
Fatsia is planted in garden, in semi shade, last year grew well very healthy. This year leaves are shrivelling, and curling shrinking in size, growing paler everyday, what is wrong with it?
Thank you Moon Growe and Julien. I live in Bedfordshire on the border of East Anglia and East Midlands. My soil is heavy clay, which I am tring to lighten with copious quantitiies of cmompost and grit. I am watering, but have not fed it. I only planted it summer before last. I have lost other plants in the last winter. I will do as suggested and prune and feed and keep on watering and say a prayer! I'll let you know in the Autum whether we are successful.
1 May, 2011
Hi Heather not knowing where you are in UK it could be the drought and heat that a lot of the UK is experiencing. How is it planted and are you watering?
1 May, 2011
Hello, i think it may be suffering from last winter, i will give you an example here, Large Fatsia in shade position, thriving, last winters frost turned all foliage yellow and black, on April 1st i hard pruned it coming down to aprx 2ft from the ground, a month on and new buds are now forming and breaking out, i have also scattered some feed and made sure it has been kept well watered and it has responded very well, i have took pictures of this at different stages, and will again once all foliaged up, so for yours, give it some feed ,water well, and prune to encourage new buds, julien.
1 May, 2011