By J79m80
Tyne And Wear,
United Kingdom
Could anyone tell me if (Anterinum) are a by annual,if so when is the best tme to set seeds in the green house.
2 May, 2011
I also find mine can last 2 years here in the South east but they are never as good the second summer.
2 May, 2011
Thankyou for your advice I will do as you surgest, and also learn to spell Antirrhinum correctly. Thankyou once again
2 May, 2011
Ha ha, that's funny - doesn't matter about the spelling, although I did wonder at first if you meant Anthurium...
2 May, 2011
I found that in the last 3 years they have overwintered and with a firm trim I get bushy plants. they died this winter :( but there are lots of seedlings coming up. :o)
2 May, 2011
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« I bought this lilac last year, the label said "White"! It has very small...
I think you might mean Antirrhinum - if so, these are generally half hardy annuals, which means you start the seed off under shelter or indoors, then plant out as small plants mid to end of May, and they die over winter (although sometimes they survive here in London and flower again the following year, and often pop up on their own in early summer as seedlings present from previous plants).
2 May, 2011