By Pennyplant
United Kingdom
Has anyone got a twisted willow (sorry but I don't know the correct name) Mine is fully mature and usually gorgeous.
Unfortunately this year, so far, the top one third seems bereft of leaves. Anyone know why this could be?
I will add a photo later if that will help.
4 May, 2011
The twisted Willow (Salix babylonica tortusosa) will tolerate pruning and are susceptible to losing peripheral growth due to wind, cold and lack of water. Prune off the area above where the last leaf is. To get the twists you should prune it every other year where you can see where it needs it/want.
4 May, 2011
Keep the willow well watered - they grow naturally near water, normally river banks. That will help stop the thin branches from die-back.
4 May, 2011
The cut of branches when stripped of leaves look really great in large vases. They dry off to a rich golden yellow colour.
5 May, 2011
Lack of water, coupled with the bad winter. If the bits stay leafless then prune them off later.
4 May, 2011