By Steragram
United Kingdom
Black spots on olearia x macrodonta
This is a young plant overwintered in an 11" pot, (I'm hoping to grow it on a bit until its big enough to take the place of a bit of a privet hedge I'm gradually replacing with shrubs) New leaves are growing well, but last year's have gone very yellow and are covered with black spot like you get on roses. I've removed most of them already, but wondered if its a fungal disease or if last years leaves always do disappear so soon - they were looking pretty miserable before the new growth appeared at all.
5 May, 2011
That's encouraging. It will have to stay in the pot for a while yet because of where it's going to live eventually. I hope.
Incidentally re my rhubarb question, the whole bed now seems to be affected and it looks as though it will all have to go - sad as it will mean two whole seasons without any.
14 May, 2011
That's odd - what on earth is the problem with it, did you find anything obvious?
15 May, 2011
I haven't had a chance to look yet.
You will be very jealous, but I spent Thursday afternoon wandering round Kew gardens!!! The lovely shade plants in Rob's photos had all finished, but the 200 year old tulip tree was full of blossom - wonderful. The only downside was that my battery went flat and I didn't have spares - and the shop had sold out! Haven't yet looked at the photos I managed to get, but will post some if they are any good.
Hope to get a chance to look at the rhubarb tomorrow.
15 May, 2011
Cor, wish you'd said - I could have met up with you there, I only live about 30 minutes away in the car (allowing for traffic). Not jealous though - dare I say I find Kew rather boring...
15 May, 2011
Boring??? But there was a 200 year old tulip tree in flower!! I really wish I'd said, it would have been great to have a bit of company.
16 May, 2011
Ah, well that might have been nice to see, I guess, but everyone I've ever been there with always wants to go round the hothouses, and I loathe them - specially now I'm this age and have a wonky internal thermostat. 5 minutes in there and I'm not sure what's hotter, me or the hothouse...
16 May, 2011
I am this age too but I enjoyed the hothouses. The carnivorous plants were impressive and the size of some of the succulents was amazing. The Japanese garden was cooler - lovely with all the small azaleas in bloom. There are a few photos on my blog.
Had another look at the rhubarb and found some insects in the froth a good quarter inch long with brown stripes and a semi transparent skin. I wondered it they were shield bug young. So I don't think they are connected with the wilting. Just tried giving it a big drink in case that was the trouble.
16 May, 2011
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It's probably a result of being in a pot over a harsh winter - you're noticing the leaves more because its a small plant - were it in the ground and larger, you'd probably not be concerned. As its producing healthy new growth, I don't think its something to worry about.
9 May, 2011