United Kingdom
I bought two standard roses in march, one is busy growing away and the other is doing nothing. I've scratched some of the bark off and its green underneath, do some take longer than others to kick start? They have both been planted in identical pots with the same compost. Any ideas of what i might be able to do before it is too late?
5 May, 2011
There is no growth whatsoever. I have changed the compost since and soaked the roots in water for a few hours but nope nothing.. I don't think i have still got the reciept which is a shame because i paid over the odds probably at £34.99
5 May, 2011
At that price you should have a label which will be able to be identified by the garden centre. Or is there a label on the pot. Being an untidy gardener does come in handy at times. Since you are just starting your garden i think you need a system for logging what you buy, where you buy it and what you paid for it. I actually scan my labels now, both sides and print and laminate the copy to use along side my plants. The original labels are stored in a box. If I remember I scan the receipt as well. I'd ask your retailer for advice before you go digging it up. They may want to see it.
6 May, 2011
Your right Scotsgran, i do normally keep the labels and i do have the label still on the rose.. I may take your advice and start scanning too. Thanks
6 May, 2011
It should be in leaf by now, you could be a little more patient, if there is healthy wood, is the smaller growth still healthy? you could have a look to see if there are any vine weevil grubs in the pots, assuming you have kept it watered and it does not perk up then i would think of returning it and get a refund, julien.
5 May, 2011