Plant ID and advice
By Scubasteve
United Kingdom
Hey all,
I purchased the plant in the pic below from a market last year and it was just labelled as Hydrangea. Now it is starting to develop am I right in saying its a climbing Hydrangea Petiolaris? Also I am wanting it to grow up the wall in the picture and over the gate archway, do I need to train it up trellis/twine etc or will it find its own way?
Also I am going to build a small planting box around the base of the the upright support column in the third picture. I would like a climber that will eventually cover the upright that remains evergreen and if its one that flowers its a bonus. I need it to be nice on the eye all year round as the gateway is the entrance to my wifes beauty business at home.
Kind Regards and your replies are much appreciated

5 May, 2011
Hydrangea petiolaris are self clinging, and do well in a shady situation ie, north facing wall, as for climbers how about going for Hedera, one of the ivys, a lovely variagated one would be nice, or the the one with butter lemon foliage, Clematis Armandii, not sure if it goes well in a pot, but can be rampant and flowers well, another clematis carnt think of its name but has fine feathery foliage, other options train a ceanothos up from the pot tie in carefully has it growes, lovely evergreen glosy foliage with beautifull blue flowers, julien.
5 May, 2011
I agree with Julien, I would put an ivy up that post, so many climbers and plants have been devastated this last winter, I think an ivy might be your best bet to survive. Look for a pretty one with some variegation on it, there are lots of varieties, some green with white or yellow. You could grow climbing annuals up it as temporary colour, black eyed Susan would clamber up that, but meantime, have a look at the Goypedia at the bottom of the page, under 'c' for climbers, they might have more ideas! Good luck!
5 May, 2011
Once again I really appreciate you all taking the time to reply, really really helpful. Well its seems my climbing Hydrangea is ideally placed on a North facing wall so just waiting for it to take off and cover the wall (could be a while!) As for covering the upright I think I will go safe with the Ivy option. As you said Libet, you just dont know if the pretty climbers will last the winter and I can introduce colour/flowers with annuals. Cant wait to get it done now! Happy gardening everyone from sunny Lincolnshire
6 May, 2011
Its a Hydrangea Petiolaris mine is in a very large pot in a sheltered spot it clings were it touches so needs no tying in, but sometimes I do redirect the shoots in a slightly different direction to get the effect I want (I stick blue tack near the end shoot to make it change direction). I love mine and this year its covered in flower sprays. I f yours were mine I would aim for a fan shape one side of which will go over the arch.
5 May, 2011