Going to Chelsae flower show on Fri 26th for the first time. Any tips.
7 May, 2011
No special tips. Just enjoy the day. It is a big show and you will be on your feet for many hours so comfy shoes but that's about all. Expect it to be very crowded but very enjoyable nonetheless.
Have been the last few years but haven't got tickets this year. Perhaps I will find somebody who can't use theirs.
7 May, 2011
Suggest you take something to sit on, even just something to spread on the grass - there aren't many seating areas dotted about, so a quick rest here and there is quite difficult to achieve.
7 May, 2011
I was there last year for the 1st time first of all get there early and go round all you want to see 1st .
As it gets busy we were there for 8.00am by 11 it was a sea of people.
Comfy footwear and lastly enjoy and just drink it all in .
I will enjoy enjoy on tv as not on my doorstep to far.
Remember the photos .
If you have hillwalking sit mat that would be useful as not many seats.
7 May, 2011
camera, notebook, pen, mac/plastic bag to sit on, picnic lunch.
7 May, 2011
Previous question
I went there for the first time last year. Things I would do if I would go this year would be:
arrive as early as possible, lol - the show is huge, you need plenty of time to see it.
take my own drink, sandwich - everything was expensive...
Would suggest spare batteries for your camera, huge memory card, lol.
it was fantastic experience, way too crowded, but had a lot of fun:)
Hope you'll have nice time as well:)
7 May, 2011