By Junie
United Kingdom
stag's horn (rhus) - any opinions would be appreciated, please. I planted this in leaf towards end of last summer, I expected it to be unfurling again by now, but the buds have stayed the same size for weeks. Do you think I have lost it, I am a bit concerned because the drainage in that area is not very good. Am I being impatient? Thanks as always for any advice.

7 May, 2011
Mine is just unfurling its leaves now, but with yours being a fairly new plant I'd give it a while longer before giving up on it, if you scrape a tiny area on the stem with your nail and its green underneath its still alive.
7 May, 2011
thanks very much, I have scraped a small area, it is green so I will keep my fingers crossed and let you know the outcome!
7 May, 2011
Have you been watering sufficiently? Trees which have been planted less than 2 or 3 years need large amounts of water, so in dry spells, they should be given at least 2 gallons a week. If you've not been watering it well enough, let the hose run at the base for a good hour or so on a trickle, despite any rain you may or may not get - the water needs to penetrate a good foot or two below the soil so that the roots can access it, and any rain we get isn't going to reach that far for weeks.
7 May, 2011
That looks fairly normal for this time of year. I don't think you have a problem.
7 May, 2011