By Lforrest1
United Kingdom
Hi just bought a garlic plant and was wandering if i have to split the already growing bulbs or do i plant as a whole one never done garlic before
7 May, 2011
They like a period of cold weather, so we plant ours in January - or the previous October - then harvest in August/September or - if planted the year before - in June/July. Then treat like onions with a period of drying before using.
8 May, 2011
I planted mine about 2 weeks ago, and they are shooting up - although now I'm confused when to dig them up.
But yes, split the cloves. I didn't know how to do it last year and planted the whole bulb together, doh!
8 May, 2011
Previous question
« when do I take out the tulip and Hyacinth bulbs that have new ended flowering
hi, you can split them into individual cloves and plant them 6-9" apart and then you should havest more bulbs in late summer. [i think thats when you lift them, some one will correct me if i 'm wrong]
7 May, 2011