By Wendikins
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Husband has decided to take over the smaller of our raised sleeper beds. He has evicted my Lithodora and several other plants and now wants rid of my honeysuckle(50p from Do It All!!) It is in flower at the moment and I am refusing to move it just now. When would be the best time to move it ?

7 May, 2011
Thanks for that. He is not as keen a gardener as me so that suits him - it was his idea !!!!. He just wants lots of colour in summer and likes things to be under control - I prefer perennials and trying things out and letting things get on with it.
I am going to add a picture of the raised bed he has handed over to me. It has 2 fruit trees.
8 May, 2011
Perennials are a far better and cheaper way of gardening, annuals cost so much and have a limited period of attraction. (different if you like propogation)
8 May, 2011
Why on earth would he want to take over that bed, it's not going to be large enough for him to do much with, i'd not be very amused at all.
Re: the lonicera though, if you must move it wait until it's finished flowering and then re-site it.
Make sure you take a large enough rootball and don't disturb the roots themselves and then you can drop it into a nice large hole that's waiting for it in a position that your husband won't disturb again.
8 May, 2011