United Kingdom
I cleared a section of my front garden sprayed it with weed killer and put terram material over the section and then spar chippings. I seem to spend my whole time weeding the area even though I was told it should remain weed free. What can I do to prevent the weeds from growing . I have tried weed killer with no avail.
8 May, 2011
I'm wondering what terram is, never heard of it - is it a trade name for a geotextile?
8 May, 2011
ive never herd of it either . the thing with mulch and membrane is eventualy you do get build up of enough soil to grow weeds on top of it and worms bring soil up to . it just mite need redoing and as bamboo sais it just mite not have a deep enough mulch on it .
8 May, 2011
a lot of salt works well as a weed killer if you havnt got other plants there . it looks like snow for a while but eventualy melts threw into the soil . you can buy big bags from a central heating supplier .
8 May, 2011
I think terram is a menbrane which is use on building sites which they put down first before putting down stone/concrete etc roads/driveways etc
8 May, 2011
thats know good as its not poures if so as all your mulch will slipof it and the polythene will break down in the sun hence theweeds etc .
8 May, 2011
A geotextile then, presumably, just heavier duty than the bog standard weed membrane, Jiffy?
I'd ask how long its been down with the chippings on top of it - Nosey's right in that soil gradually ends up on the chippings and weeds do germinate in it. Unless the questioner means the weeds have penetrated the membrane and are appearing anyway - Japanese Knotweed would do this.
8 May, 2011
Couch grass will just push its way through almost anything except concrete and I am not so sure about that either. We have weed suppressing membrane on various gravelled paths and I still have to use Pathclear on them ever few months. Life has a habit of living.
8 May, 2011
So will Crocosmia I noticed it coming through and when I lifted the material they were doing very nicely thank-you.
8 May, 2011
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What weeds are they? you may need a different weed killer? I find I really need to clear the weeds before putting down weed suppressant material and then I use 2 layers of it under a 4 " of chosen covering.
8 May, 2011