By Wersall
United Kingdom
how to combat dog urine burn
8 May, 2011
If you mean brown patches on lawns, or on shrubs come to that, from a dog or bitch peeing there, nothing you can do other than try dog rocks in the dog's water - available from vets, but often dogs won't drink it anyway once the rocks are in it. Don't let the dog pee on the lawn or on the shrubs is the only answer, or allocate an area where they can and train them to use it.
8 May, 2011
the best true way of doing it is to have a dog run and only let them in yourside of the garden when your there so you can stop them realy .
8 May, 2011
or walk your dogs about 4 times a day .
8 May, 2011
You'll be recommending a cork next, Nosey...;-)))
8 May, 2011
now theres a thaught bamboo . trouble is if the dog gets wind he mite shoot someones eye out lol x .
8 May, 2011
Incorrigible.... Noseypotter! LOL.
8 May, 2011
Having two dogs myself I can sympathise with you, I have a dog run myself for winter and very wet days but no point in having dogs as pets if they cannot share the garden with me.
One way is to follow them about with can full of water ready to dilute, very hard work, another is tomato sauce in their food, apparently they don`t like the smell in their urine, I tried it but ended up with lots of brown patches elsewhere, not pleased, I find it easier to let them have their own spots, grow spare grass in trays and replace on a regular basis, at least that way only certain areas suffer and I tell myself I`m in control, not sure my boys agree......
8 May, 2011
if you use the dog run in the garden which is best to be cement or slabs as its easy to hose down and keeps the dogs nails down when they are just relieving themselves and only let them in your part when your there its easy to train them not to wee in there just like when yourwalking them along paths etc .
10 May, 2011
Dog urine burn? More info needed. E.g What is dog urine Burn and what are the symptoms.
8 May, 2011