Camilla Bushes
By Yippieriyiya
I have several Camilla bushes that are always covered with buds, however only a few of them open into a flower. Is there something lacking in the soil. The plants were here when I purchased the house which was built in 1976, not sure they are that old though. Thanks
22 Oct, 2008
Buds stay attached and tree (bush) seems healthy. Leaves look fine etc. I thought perhaps there was some type of "food" they needed. The local nursery was not much help. Perhaps as you mentioned they are just "old" seems eveything slows down with age! Thanks for your input
24 Oct, 2008
Sequestren as mentioned by Spritzhenry is this special food. You can also give them some balanced general feed durning growing season. (camelias are actually dormant when in flower, so feed prior to)
Also they do not tolerate to dry out when they have buds. But if the buds trun black it might be a fungus.
24 Oct, 2008
oooopppppss! I am showing my lack of knowledge. I did not realize "Sequestrene" was a food. Thanks
24 Oct, 2008
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Do the buds drop off? Are the leaves healthy or have some turned yellowy? (Water on Sequestrene) Are they in a windy position or facing east? Could these Camellias do with feeding, do you think, or a bark/leafmould mulch? All these factors could affect the flowering capacity. Unfortunately, so could the age of the shrubs, but if they are otherwise thriving, then think about the other factors...
I hope that my thoughts will trigger something to help you.
23 Oct, 2008