How is everyones weather today.
By Scotkat
Very heavy rain with us to day and windy.Batten down the hatches.
23 Oct, 2008
Hi Im in Essex and its lovely and sunny here at the moment and a lot warmer than its been for days Calm before the storm I expect
23 Oct, 2008
hi Kath, horrible here today, gales and raining
23 Oct, 2008
Just a little rain this morning in Hungary, but it's the first rain for a couple of weeks. It's been bright sunny Autumn recently. It's dried up now and I've just lifted all my gladioli. It gets a bigger job each year and I'm making a mental note not to buy yet another pretty pack of corms next Spring. Will I be able to resist????
23 Oct, 2008
~ blowing a gale here on Gower this morning! was a bit scary in the woods with the dogs as I could see the tops of the trees swaying quite a lot!
23 Oct, 2008
Not much beter here real wild and got to take car out in a short while for a hospital appointment so hope if fairs up a bit.
23 Oct, 2008
Nice and sunny this morning, in Surrey, wife hung her washing out at lunchtime, now it is very grey, rain looking imminent and very windy. I know who to blame.
23 Oct, 2008
Very, very windy here in Lincolnshire and looking decidedly dark and stormy now, although not cold. Got the changing of the clocks to look forward to on Saturday, too.........
23 Oct, 2008
Hi Owen and welcome!
~Now pouring and blowing a gale-Husband just came in with two soaking wet dogs!
23 Oct, 2008
Hello, Scotkat. Yes, we had the same weather here in Southampton as you did where you are. Raining and blowing a gale. Now the leaves in my garden will be even deeper after that! I have been busy planting roses and lots of other plants these past few weeks has become more and more difficult because as fast as I have cleared a spot to plant something, it gets buried again. Ah, such is nature, eh?
23 Oct, 2008
Cold but bright sunshine in a cloudless sky showing up the snow on the mountains perfectly. I got my washing dry too, DoctorBob, but it didn't cause any hurricanes or monsoons!
24 Oct, 2008
Sounds wonderful out there Nariz, we are very envious.
24 Oct, 2008
A cold but bright dry sunny morning so far enjoy your weekend all.
24 Oct, 2008
~sunny but fairly mild this morning!whoohoo!
24 Oct, 2008
Arlene now very wet and blustery .
24 Oct, 2008
We had some belated sunshine yesterday p.m. and the forecast is dry for Saturday but wet (very) on Sunday. They are also forecasting much colder weather for next week. I'm glad that I took all my Geraniums and Fuchsias in! You do seem to be having a lot of bad weather up there, Scotkat! I hope it improves for you.
25 Oct, 2008
this morning here it is blowing a gale again
25 Oct, 2008
Good morning Spritzhendry and Eileen its dry and very windy here to day.
My geraniums are now indoors except for two sitting outside my greenhouse and still got two fuchsis in bloom out but they will come in thi sweekend.
Wish me luck for my Autumn planter demo this afternoon at our local craft shop.
25 Oct, 2008
hope the demo goes well Kath, will you be bringing the camera with you?
25 Oct, 2008
I dont think so may not have time or good just to take pick of table.
25 Oct, 2008
morning all bin away for a few days and i can see theres bin strong winds as most plants damaged front and back not so windy now but very cold
26 Oct, 2008
Good morning a very cold sunny frosty morning here and snow now on hills.
27 Oct, 2008
Morning Kath,, very very cold here and frosty but the sun is coming out, looks like it might be a nice day
27 Oct, 2008
Me time first to catch up then go out 2 g3 of my gardents tidy work.As it may be warmer then Eileen
27 Oct, 2008
The weather here in Essex has been beautiful, well, at least dry and bright. Nearly 9,30 pm and the lawn is WHITE brrrrrr
27 Oct, 2008
Just looked out not white yet but so very very cold brrrrrrrrr.
All keep cosy.
27 Oct, 2008
very cold today slight frost this morning i havent bin able to cut back rest of dahlias hope they will b ok till i get some more mulch
1 Nov, 2008
A beautiful dry sunny but cold day here.
1 Nov, 2008
Raining and very cold wind - enough to make eyes water today! I have opted for the logburner and watched the recording of Gardeners' World this afternoon...a walk with Henry this a.m. was quite enough .
1 Nov, 2008
Dry but cold with us so now busy making a yolk cosie for someone to keep them cosy on a cold winters day.
1 Nov, 2008
Goodmorning all Nice fresh sunny frosty but cold morning.
A perfect blue sky.
2 Nov, 2008
Hi, yesterday it poured with rain all day in the Thames Valley and freezing cold.We stayed in and caught up on our TV as well.
It didn't stop the fireworks though. Today nice clear morning and sunny. not too cold.
2 Nov, 2008
Another hard white frost very very cold but sunny.
3 Nov, 2008
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Cloudy and rain definitely on the way, wind starting to get stronger - Somerset.
23 Oct, 2008