By Funguy
United Kingdom
Coriander - When i grow coriander from seed, the plant has a piece of stem coming from the soil surface leading to a bump and then the plant flops over the side of the pot. When i have bought coriander plants these lengths of stem seem to be buried and the coriander plant stands upright with no flopping.
What am i doing wrong for my coriander to be doing this? Should i, when repotting, bury this piece of stem so the bump is at the spoil surface?
9 May, 2011
Hi there funguy,
A few years ago I managed to grow some seed, it grew ok, but bolted really early, so not much luck was had with it.
As moon growe says if you buy a pot from the herb section of the super Market, you can split it up and pot it on.
Happy gardening.
9 May, 2011
Hey there. Thanks for the replies.
So when you sow coriander seed, you put a fair few seeds the pot. I think i'll start again as these little scrawny things look pretty sad!
9 May, 2011
Yes sprinkle the seed all over the pot. BTW I am not suggesting you buy a pot of supermarket grown corinader and then separate out the growing seedlings! When we grow basil from seed we put approx 15 seeds into the pot.
9 May, 2011
Previous question
Your seedlings are becoming drawn (leggy) probably due to lack of light... When you buy a pot of coriander it is packed full of seedlings.
9 May, 2011